Workshop on renewable energy in Poland

12 October 2018

Workshop about upcoming Polish renewables auctions

Warsaw, 5-6 October 2018

Currently there is a lot going on about renewable energy in Poland. The country’s government has made a pledge towards investing in renewable energy as one of the measures to meet the EU requirement of 15% CO2 reduction by 2020.The Swiss-based company Pexapark invited us to their PPA Academy on the upcoming renewable energy auctions in Poland. Warsaw city skyline

This workshop was organised to inform potential investors about the risk and advantages of such projects. The agenda covered items such as law and regulations, technical performance, weather forecasts, but the main question remains: will my investment pay off?

This is where KYOS comes into play. With our fundamental power model KyPF we are able to calculate long-term power prices with hourly granularity. The curves can be used to assess the effective price a wind park will be able to capture. Enabling investors to get an better idea of the price risks, which leads to a better informed bidding strategy.

Will wind remain attractive relative to other forms of generation? Or will it merely produce in hours with very low prices? This is important to know if you are investing in renewable energy in Poland, or in other countries.

Recently we have done a study on the situation in Germany. To read more about the impact of wind discount in the German market: KyPF Wind Power Germany.

Free access to KyPF for one year

This year we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary. And we have a little birthday gift for you – we are offering free access to our KyPF model for use within the European power markets! Take advantage and profit a year long from our software and expertise. See for yourself how easy it is to define your own scenarios. For more information and to sign up: KYOS 10 year.
